The Left and Legacy Media insist that anti-Israel activist Mahmoud Khalil, a green card holder who helped organize protests at Columbia University in the wake on the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel, is just “supporting Palestine.” But Capital Research Center Investigative Researcher Ryan Mauro argues that the evidence is clear: he poses an actual threat to Americans’ safety and should be deported. Ryan lists 15 “smoking guns” that Khalil and his activist group, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, support taking radical action against Western civilization. They seem to have an affinity for arson, his group called for a repeat of the Oct. 7 attack on US soil, and one group in the coalition even declared itself a literal part of Hamas.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Ryan, welcome to the program, how are you? Right, hey, it's great to be with you.
GLENN: It's great to be with you. This is an amazing article, the 15 smoking guns, that show, this guy is clearly a terrorist threat.
I think I got to number three, and I'm reading this. Like, how is this even an argument? How this guy even here, still? Honestly, why isn't he even in jail, here in America? Can we go through these, one by one?
RYAN: Yeah, absolutely. And I think -- I would preface this by saying, honestly, we're thankful that he's deported, and we can all applaud that. But we shouldn't necessarily be impressed by that.
GLENN: It is a pretty low bar here.
RYAN: It is. And the fact that the Trump administration hasn't involved to any degree that I'm aware of. Those are the monitored groups. That's why I have this information available. They came out with this, and kind of got put on the defensive. And now Mohamed Kahlil, a group he's a part of that we will talk about, is more powerful than ever. All the pro-Hamas seditionist groups are fundraising off of this.
GLENN: This is crazy.
RYAN: And this is -- they didn't work with those to justify what they were doing. They just kind of did it.
GLENN: Okay. So let me take this point by point with you.
First point, Kahlil's group seeks to incite and carry out terrorism on US soil, including copying the October 7th atrocities.
RYAN: Yeah. So the group that he is a leader of, Columbia University apartheid. Which is actually a coalition of 100 student groups.
They post odd their social media base. Multiple times, that they were telling their comrades, involved in this little intifada. Primarily to the United States.
They talk about Israel. To, quote, look to the tactics of the Palestinian resistance, which were inspired action, and to rise like a flood. When they think flood, what they're doing, is they're referring to the October 7th attacks because Hamas refers to it as Operation Jerusalem Flood.
So that's how that would be interpreted. October 7th, good idea, for US soil.
GLENN: Number two, his group praised the October 7th attacks and Islamist-backed violent uprisings in Bangladesh as part of the global intifada against American imperialism.
JASON: Right. So they view themselves as part of a global intifada that is both Marxist, Communist, actually some anarchist elements, and Islamist. It's all one thing.
They view this as a part of a network.
GLENN: His group said, quote, we must genuinely threaten the state, I imagine that's America.
So much, we are killed, jailed, tortured, disappeared, and targeted in America. End quote.
RYAN: I think they -- the goal is doing that. To approve a sacrifice. They called it to achieve liberation in America. What they're doing, they and their comrades talk about, they refer to America as turtle islands. And basically, if a native -- what they're saying, just as they want to replace Israel with an Arab state of Palestinian, their goal is to replace the United States with a Native American state of Turtle Island.
GLENN: Give me a break. First of all, can we just -- I'm sorry to do this here. But let me --
RYAN: Go for it.
GLENN: Can we stop with the Native Americans were so much better than every other human being alive?
They were humans.
They were warring all the time, just like every other race and group of people. They were enslaving. If they didn't kill you in war, they enslaved you after war.
Please, can we stop!
Humans are humans. This -- this ridiculous -- well, these were Native Americans. And so they were perfect.
Shut up!
Grab a book. Read a little history. Okay. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
RYAN: No. Thank you, for saying that. Especially -- a lot of these people, they hate religion.
But they model the characterization of Native-Americans on Jesus Christ.
When you look at, they describe it as a gay man. And Native Americans have decided. Because they were pure. They were killed by capitalism. But anyway --
GLENN: So is there any -- I mean, are people that stupid, that they think, that a Marxist, communist, Islamist group is going to hand over America?
To the Native American nations?
Are they that -- I mean, really?
RYAN: I mean, watching the way the protesters talk on their personal social media pages.
A lot of this is performative.
GLENN: Yeah.
RYAN: And it's more about they feel scared for the future. For legitimate reasons. They feel there's no safety net. They feel no one is coming to help them.
So they drive to which ever group is talking about the most far sweeping change.
It's not what they're -- and then saying, oh, that's a great idea. Let me join that group. It's more, I'm scared, because my God, what am I going to do? I don't know if I can -- and they speak the language, and they bring them in.
GLENN: Number four, Kahlil's group called for attacking the military and the police, en masse. And dismantling the state infrastructure, assuming it's America.
RYAN: Yeah. And you can tell. Because on a lot of these posts, these are several together. So they do keep bringing them back to America.
They will cite the violence in Bangladesh, or what Hamas did as an example to follow.
So that particular post, after going over and praising the Bangladesh were attacking the police and military and surveillance state.
They have the obligation to beat them there. After saying, this is -- they escalated in this way.
GLENN: So if this isn't -- if this hasn't been bad enough for you to shut the pie hole. To say, this guy, he's just a freedom fighter. There's no hope for you. Let me go on. Number six. Kahlil's group seeks the eradication of Western civilization!
RYAN: Yeah. I mean, what more can you say? It's right there. And they talk about burning a lot of things down, too. You'll notice that patterns throughout these points. The example they gave is a lot of burning down prisons, burn down this, burn that.
They're a big fan of anarchists. Or arsonists. Arsonist terrorists.
GLENN: I have a former Prime Minister of England, Liz Trust coming in, today, for a show. And I can't wait to talk to her because I would like to hear her opinion on, what the hell is wrong with all of you people over in Europe, and in England.
How do they not see that they're going to be an Islamic state, if they don't turn this around, right now.
And it may be too late.
I mean, how -- how are we missing this in the West.
RYAN: I think, part of it, is that there's an ability to recognize the degree to which all of the extremes, all the seditionist elements are kind of coming together.
It seems like, in people's minds. They're in separate boxes.
How the Islamists -- sad, but it's not that high.
RYAN: They're not putting together the anarchists. The white nationalists are increasingly in there. You put it all together, and you rook at the polls that show how many people support them and you add them up, then you will see the totality of the problem.
GLENN: Gosh.
Number seven, Kahlil's group asked violent extremists abroad for help in organizing uprising.
Number eight, his group asked for help from militants in the global south, in achieving its goal of eradicating western civilization. And fighting the fascism, engrained in the American consciousness.
RYAN: There's the Antifa reference. See, it's all coming together.
The antifascism, Antifa reference.
GLENN: Kahlil's group, number nine, threatened to shut down Columbia University, unless it eliminated the police presence on campus and severed all ties to the New York Police Department.
Which if they did that, just in Columbia, that accomplishes so many of the other goals.
RYAN: Yeah. Right. And just it's amazing that the schools even tolerate -- even the threat. How are you led to this on campus, at all.
GLENN: Kahlil's group really likes to see things set on fire. I love that one. Explain.
RYAN: Yeah. That's what I was alluding to before, where they're giving specific examples of what was going on in Bangladesh, that should be replicated. And how they set fire to the state broadcasting networks headquarters. And they set fire to the prison. They set fire to the government offices. Set fire to the state vehicle.
Then there was an arsonist terrorist in California who tried to firebomb a federal building, he firebombed a cop car.
Lit a building on fire. Looted a building. On college campuses. And that's all fine and dandy. They said, that's a wonderful thing, and everyone cheers.
GLENN: Number 11, Kahlil's group had terrorists teach Columbia students.
RYAN: Yeah, so he put together a virtual event. That future to leaders of this group. That anyone that knows this stuff. Thirty seconds, you would know this is a front. For the popular front for the deliberation of Palestine, which is like the Marxist counterpart to Hamas. They work together, and they're both backed by Iran.
To -- and there's some academic exercise. We heard the viewpoint, anything that was challenged. No, just come in, and tell the students what reality is. And that's what they did. And they taught the students that hijacking, that was done by the terrorists, are an inspiring thing.
GLENN: Number 12, Columbia protesters were told to riot by a Chinese communist party entity. And they complied hours later.
RYAN: Yeah. Yeah. Just the -- all you can do is laugh at it. It's so absurd in some cases. So over 100 protesters from Columbia University, went to the headquarters of people's forum, which we know from the Capitol Research Center profile on them, is heavily, if not completely funded by the Chinese Communist Party. Like the leader is over there in China and in Asia. And this is all known and proven.
And so they said, you know what you guys should do? You should riot. And then a few hours later, Kahlil's group goes and they riot. So they're incited by the Chinese Communist Party in that instance.
GLENN: Again, we're talking about a guy, Columbia University student that is -- that is really behind a lot of the stuff, that was happening in Columbia University. All of this really, you know, Jew hatred. Israel hatred stuff.
And the people on the left are going, you can't do that. How dare you do that. Well, yeah. You're -- you're either part of the problem, or you just are ill-informed or uninformed.
You're living in a self-contained box of ignorance. Where there's three more left. And I will get Ryan to comment on those in just a second. First, let me are just take 60 seconds to break and tell you. I've watched the real estate market spin out of control. Right itself. And then spin out of control again. Dozens of times. Over and over and over again.
And it's a minefield to say the least. And any real estate agent that can navigate it halfway well is a successful one.
GLENN: We're talking to Ryan Mauro. You can follow him on X, @RyanMauro.
His website is Ryan Mauro. That's spelled M-A-U-R-O.
And we're down to the last couple of points that you're making in this great op-ed on -- on the Blaze News and
Let's see. We have 13. Kahlil's Group -- their stated goal is to topple all institutions that benefit from colonial, racial capitalism, and dismantle the state.
JASON: Yeah, so it's an anti-government group, just like the left likes to talk about, the crazy right-wing militia type forces. But then it happens. The Islamist Marxist friendly group, saying the same thing, and civil rights icon.
GLENN: Kahlil's group boasts about vandalism of campus property.
RYAN: Yeah, and I included that just to show people that the same people that do that type of thing, you can't just dismiss it. Like, it's all part of the same thing. So there's broader implications. It's not just about the spray paint.
GLENN: The last one. Number 15, a large part of Kahlil's coalition declared itself a literal part of Hamas. Oh, my gosh.
RYAN: Yeah, so the Students for Justice in Palestine, which is biggest group behind all of these protests, and, by the way, I already spoke to you. I completed by study for Capital Research Center. Where I found over 150 pro-terrorism groups, were behind the protests.
Literally, 150.
So this group is one of them.
And so Kahlil's group is a coalition, and probably the biggest group within his coalition is sue for justice in Palestine, which is nationwide. Which is the biggest group involved in all of this stuff. It's kind of widely known that they celebrate the October 7th attacks, because people were shocked. But people were so shocked, they didn't read the rest of the statement that they put out.
Because the rest of the statement, they actually say -- let me clarify something. The resistance -- we're not saying that we're in solidarity with them. We are saying, we are part of them.
GLENN: Jeez.
JASON: They cleared themselves to be part of a designated terrorist organization, Hamas and you just say the other groups that are involved in October 7th.
They're part of all those groups that illegally -- illegal to be a part of. And here's the kicker that I just recently found out.
Do you know who else is a member of Kahlil's group?
GLENN: Satan.
JASON: Ilhan Omar's daughter.
GLENN: You have to be kidding me.
JASON: She was arrested for her activism with this group. She tweeted that she is an organizer with Kahlil's group, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, and the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at Columbia.
So think of it this way. Students for Justice in Palestine, since they are a part of Hamas, and then Ilhan Omar's daughter is a part of Students for Justice in Palestine, what does that say about it?
GLENN: What does it say about Ilhan Omar?
JASON: Right.
GLENN: So are these -- because the language is so Marxist. It's strangely almost disarming, instead of it being Allahu Akbar. Which -- what is his center? Marxism? Revolution? Or crazy Islamist?
RYAN: They come all insane. Because I monitored all these extremists, all these divisionists. I call them the seditionist movement. But I bring them together. From the anarchist to the Communist to the Islamist to the white nationalist.
And I can't tell the difference in -- in the -- between them.
They switch out the nouns. But it's all the things. Revolution. Discovering along ethnic, racial, political lines. US isn't a legitimate state.
It's more this guy is aligned with the PFL, the Popular Front Liberation of Palestine, which is backed by Iran. But it's kind of like -- it worked in tandem with Hamas, or as close as they could be. But they're Communists.
GLENN: Unbelievable. I can't thank you enough for everything that you do. I mean, you are fighting the good fight. And doing all the heavy lifting on it, and I really appreciate it.
Ryan. Ryan Mauro. Capital research center. Investigative researcher and counterterrorism expert. You can find this op-ed at the